Klug’s Tree Care Guide

Tree Care In Lincoln NE

Tree care is essential for maintaining healthy, beautiful, and safe landscapes. Regular maintenance, such as tree pruning and tree trimming, promotes tree health. Proper watering, landscape setup, and disease prevention are crucial. Professionals can help manage more complex issues, ensuring trees thrive for years. Investing in tree care enhances property value and environmental quality.


  • Inspect Regularly: Regular inspection of your trees can help you spot early signs of disease, pest infestation, or structural issues. Look for changes in the color of leaves and bark, signs of decay, or any fungi growth.
  • Clean Around Trees: Keep the area around your trees clear of debris and fallen leaves. These can harbor pests and diseases that might affect the health of your trees.
  • Avoid Injury: Maintain a sufficient mulch area around the base to protect your trees from mechanical injuries caused by lawnmowers and weed trimmers.
  • Manage Tree Roots Carefully: Avoid severing large roots when planting or doing yard work near your trees. Large roots are vital to a tree’s stability and health.

Tree Removal

Our tree removal services can cut down the biggest and toughest trees in Nebraska.

Tree Cutting

Trim back or remove any trees with our tree-cutting services.

Tree Trimming

Restore your outdoor aesthetics with tree trimming.

Tree Pruning

Tree pruning to clean up those frayed or loose branches.

Stump Grinding

Stump grinding removes deep-rooted, hard-to-get stumps.

Local Tree Care Tips

Serving Lincoln, Waverly, & Denton Nebraska


Ensure your trees get enough water, especially young or newly planted ones. Water deeply and slowly to encourage deep root growth. The best time to water is early morning or late evening to reduce evaporation. During dry spells, weekly watering may be necessary, depending on the species and local climate.


Apply a layer of organic mulch around the base of your trees, extending out to the drip line if possible. This helps retain soil moisture, suppresses weeds, and provides essential nutrients as it decomposes. Keep the mulch a few inches from the trunk to prevent moisture buildup and rot.

Basic Pruning

Remove any dead, damaged, or diseased branches to help prevent insect infestations and diseases from spreading. Use sharp tools to make clean cuts just outside the branch collar. Limit pruning to smaller branches that you can safely reach from the ground or a stable ladder; leave larger or higher branches to the professionals.